ニヨ活and dementia(ニ)Prevention of(ヨ)Community contribution activities in harmony with(活)It is.

  • N-1 Grand Prix Victory Ceremony

    2021September 29 -

    9/21(fire)In the second half of the inclusion palace, the N-1 Grand Prix winner was decided! !

    The winner is...

    It was "family hand treatment" of Yuko Abe!

    As a career consultant,
    Thinking about women's nursing care turnover,
    In addition, with feelings for elderly families,
    It was a challenge to create a video and N-1.

    It was great to win the championship with an overwhelming number of views.

    Today's award ceremony.

    I came to niyo activity office and commended it by hand ~

    I will fully support Nyo activity for her activities in the future!

    Also look forward to the 3rd N-1 Grand Prix.