ニヨ活and dementia(ニ)Prevention of(ヨ)Community contribution activities in harmony with(活)It is.

  • Niyo Katsushin Fest


    Thank you for visiting our blog.
    "Niyo Katsushin Festival" is being prepared to rave reviews!
    We are looking for individuals, companies, and organizations to help us~!

    What is Niyo Katsushin Fest?
    Niyo Katsu Festival & Symposium.
    2024September of the year(Dementia Month)The
    At Osaka University of Economics
    We will hold it!
    The theme of this event is "Universal Society Created by Local Community Businesses"!

    At the Niyo Katsu Festival, you can enjoy learning about delicious, clean, interesting, and kind things that are kind to your body and society.
    The symposium was titled "Dementia Symposium Starting from Local Community Business"
    2Many special guests will appear in the department! It's fun to listen to content that is immediately useful.

    Details will be posted at a later date.

    Participation is free!
    9/28Please come to Osaka University of Economics at your convenience~.